Minimal Equipment Needed
11-weeks of Road Ready Fitness (minimal equipment needed) as prep for Trinidad Carnival 2018. All routines are to be be done 1 min each for 3-4 rounds 3 x week every other day with every other day walking for at least a 1 mile or 30 min.
week 1: Physio Ball Exercises
- Crunches (abs)
- Pelvic Hip Thrusts (glutes/abs)
- Knee Tucks (core/shoulders)
- Ball Exchanges (core)
- Side Crunches (core/obliques)
- Roll Outs (core/arms)
- Single Leg Squat/Lunges (Glutes, Legs)
week 2: Medicine Ball Exercises
- Supine Leg Swivels (core)
- V- Ups (core)
- Russian Twists (core)
- V – Sit Hold BBall Loops (core)
- Mountain Climbers (core)
- Push-ups (core/arms/back/chest)
- Reverse Lunge & Twist (core/Legs/Glutes)
- Side Lunges & Press (Legs/Glutes/shoulders)
- Squat Jack & Push Press (inner thigh/Glutes/Legs/arms)
week 3: Kettle Bell Circuit
- High Pulls (shoulders)
- Alternating Reverse Lunge and Curtsy Lunge (legs, Glutes)
- Dead Lifts (hamstrings, Glutes)
- Squat & Twist (legs, abs)
- Pulsating Squats (Glutes, inner thigh)
- Kettle Bell Swings (legs, Glutes, inner thigh)
- Russian Twist (core)
- Toes Touches (core)
- Alternating Knee Tucks (core, shoulders)
- Get Up Lunge (legs, core)
week 4: Weighted Plate (Or any type of weight 10-25lb)
- Weighted Swings
- Weighted Rows
- Weighted Curl & Press
- Shoulder Rotations
- Over ahead Squats
- Reverses Lunge & Twist
week 5: Resistance Band Exercises
- Straight Leg Kick Back
- Side Shuffle Steps
- Air Squats
- Funky Watusi
- Lying Lateral Raises
- Supine Front Kicks
- Supine Scissor Kicks
- Fire Hydrants
- Donkey Kicks
week 6: Dumbbell Exercises
Each exercise is to be completed for 10-15-20 reps each for 3-4 rounds total. Make sure the weight is moderate. Not too light but not too heavy
week 7: Jump Rope Circuit
Regular Hops (Jump Rope)
Air Squats
High Knees (Jump Rope)
Plank Hip Swivels
Torso Twist (Jump Rope)
Single Leg Hops (Jump Rope)
Skips (Jump Rope)
Double Unders (Jump Rope)
Russian Twists
Week 8: Weighted Plate – can also use any 10-25lb weight. Complete 1 minute of each for 3-4 rounds.
Single Arm Row
- Over Head Tricep Extension
- Seated Front Shoulder Press
- Lying Chest Press
- Sit-Up & Shoulder Press
- Deadlifts
- Good Mornings
- Squat Hold to Calf Raise
- Squat to Torso Twist
- Squat Hold
Week 9: Furniture Sliders – can also use paper plates or paper towels. Complete 1 minute of each for 3-4 rounds.